Pregnancy Cheat Guide

Last updated: 20/04/2017 11:45 by TheBlushBaby to TheBlushBaby's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers regnancy-cheat-guide/

If you hate being confined to the conventional rules of
pregnancy, there can sometimes be ways to get around a few of them.
Please, be aware; I am only writing about these methods, not promoting
any of them. You can ultimately decide what you feel is best for you and
your family. I have done basic research on these, so please do your own
if you have any interest.

I am aware this is very controversial, it’s not here to offend
anyone. I only wish to share a few things I found out during my
pregnancy that might be interesting to others.

Find out if it is a boy or girl at 10 weeks!

This is one of the tricks I pulled. With about 99.9% accuracy, I was
told the sex of my baby at 10 weeks. I gave blood at 9 weeks, and 6
days, by 10 weeks I knew I was having a boy. I did this at my maternity
hospital as they offered it. However, most places don’t. This test also
screens for other abnormalities. Find out online if you can get this
test done by researching Panorama Test and the name of your area.

The issue with this is many people believe that finding out the sex of
the baby while you’re still able to have a legal abortion may lead to
women terminating pregnancies due to the sex. While it is ultimately up
to a woman, it’s discouraged to do this. There is a natural balance of
men and women; the gender ratio can be skewed by a slight percentage and
influence a lot of aspects in society we probably can’t comprehend at
the moment. Please – if you’re dealing with disappointment after
discovering the sex of your baby, talk to your midwife and a therapist.
It is natural, but don’t make a decision in the heat of the moment you
might regret. This cost us £495.

Decide if you have a boy or girl next!

I haven’t done this, as it is extremely controversial. You can
ultimately decide what sex your baby is, using advancements such as
CRISPR. Unless you have a valid reason, you won’t be considered for this
treatment in the UK. Valid reasons could be if you have a genetic
illness that could be passed on to your child that is gender specific,
or if you have a child of one gender and would like a child of another.
This is called family-balancing. The price tag is something to consider,
at £15,000 it is a costly treatment. Unlike with IVF, embryos of the
unwanted sex aren’t destroyed using this method.

Guarantee of near-100% survival rate of frozen eggs!

If you have had fertility issues, you might be aware that nothing is a
guarantee. NYC egg-freezing lab has a game changer, made with a promise
to deliver a near-100% survival rate for your frozen eggs. The lab is
called Extended Fertility, and they can help freeze your eggs for just
under £4,000.

Decide when and how your baby is born with an elective c-section!

Elective caesareans are common at The Portland Hospital, and while I was
tempted to have one, the fear of VBAC made me rethink. I much rather
experience a vaginal delivery, and possibly in the future, for baby
number three or four, have an elective c-section. This option provides
you with some comfort knowing when your baby will be born. If you have
family coming to be present for the birth, or any other time
restrictions, you can plan the birth with more accuracy than most.
Obviously, you need to wait for your baby to be full-term, and you need
to have your hospital agree to it. Many women choose this because of
their concerns with VBAC or similar. Most hospitals in the UK don’t
offer this, the only one I know of is The Portland. I think the cost is
about £8,000.

Walking or mobile-epidural!

It allows you to feel some of the contractions and top of your epidural
as you feel necessary. If you’re lucky, it means being able to go to the
bathroom on your own and avoid having a catheter. Most hospitals don’t
offer this, but some do. Check with your hospital if they offer it. At
my hospital, The Portland, this costs £995. To top up the epidural is

Say no to stretch marks!

These cosmetic procedures can be done to help reduce the appearance of
stretch marks. There are many ways to do this, Dermapen, Sublative
Fraction Skin Resurfacing Treatment, Skin Needling Treatment, and Fraxel
laser. You can ask your dermatologist about this; costs vary widely
depending on treatment, practice and location. Price varies.
eSolution: Sheology
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