The difference between being the good cop and being the bad cop

Last updated: 08/10/2015 16:42 by MaryByrne to MaryByrne's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
When it comes to parenting your child, there is always one good cop and one bad cop. There is no reason for it, apart from the fact that there has to be at least one responsible person in the house.
Unfortunately I’m the bad cop. I’m the one who calls bedtime, breaks up fun because it’s getting too rough and takes on a no-nonsense approach to mess, noise and manners.
Being the bad cop has its negatives, not least being called a ‘fun destroyer’, but if it wasn’t for me some things simply wouldn’t happen...
1. Bedtime
Good cop: Going to bed involves a little dance, maybe a song and some tickles.
Bad cop: Fun stops when I say bedtime. There is no way around it – if bedtime doesn’t go to plan then everything else is skewed!  
2. Extra play time
Good cop: Ten more minutes would be at least an hour.
Bad cop: The stopwatch starts as soon as they go back out – otherwise my little girl would end up playing outside until she was hungry.
3. Dessert
Good cop: Who wants ice-cream?
Bad cop: Dessert? Who said there was dessert?
4. Outfit decisions
Good cop: They give a few choices, with explanations for each.
Bad cop: You don’t give your youngster a choice between two different socks – they wear what they’re given, no buts.
5. Excuses
Good cop: Gives them the benefit of the doubt, and at least five more chances.
Bad cop: You get one chance and that’s it!
6. Cleaning their room
Good cop: Helps them out and does the hardest part.
Bad cop: Points out areas they’ve missed.
7. Not doing their chores
Good cop: Is usually the reason they’re not doing them...
Bad cop: Follows them around to make sure they get it right.
8. Activities
Good cop: Whatever happens, happens.
Bad cop: Has everyone up early at the weekend to do something – no excuses.
9. Giving permission
Good cop: Yes!
Bad cop: No!
10. Morning time
Good cop: Just give them five more minutes
Bad cop: Screams "up!" really loudly...
Mary Byrne is a staff writer at MummyPages and mum to a horse-crazy, sports-mad, seven-year-old girl.
eSolution: Sheology
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