This week's confession: Sometimes I don't even like my own child

Last updated: 29/09/2015 12:59 by TheZookeeper to TheZookeeper's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers
There are times when I really and truly dislike my teenage daughter.

There, I said it.

Yes, I love her and yes, I would lay down my life for her, but sometimes I find myself struggling to actually like her.

Does this make me a bad mother or simply a woman who knows how to call a spade a spade and acknowledge that at times her daughter is nothing short of hideous company?

Here are just ten times in the last seven days I found myself questioning just how much I'd like my daughter if she wasn't part of the family.

1. When I stammered while trying to make a point during an argument with her.

And she rolled her eyes.

2. When I asked her opinion of a shirt I had bought her father.

And she said 'nice' without looking up from her phone.

3. When I arrived at her school too early to collect her.

And she hissed that I was checking up on her.

4. When I suggested a mother / daughter movie night.

And she pretended not to hear me.

5. When I complimented the dress she was wearing.

And she immediately changed.

6. When I offered to blowdry her hair before an evening out with her friends.

And her mouth fell open with embarrassment for me.

7. When I reminded her to throw her shoulders back.

And she muttered to 'leave her alone'.

8. When I admitted that those past few occasions had hurt my feelings.

And she laughed at me.

9. When I pleaded with her to consider my feelings before being so dismissive.

And she pretended to take it on board.

10. When I asked her what I had just said.

And she had no idea.

OK, deep breaths.

I only have another five years of this.

eSolution: Sheology
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