Words to live by: 10 PERFECT pieces of advice my mum passed onto me

Last updated: 09/03/2016 13:28 by KeepingItReal to KeepingItReal's Blog
Filed under: MummyBloggers

Between Mother's Day and International Women's Day, it's been a massive week for us and the fellow ladies in our lives.

Unsurprisingly, like many others I'm sure, those two particular days got me thinking about the women who have helped me navigate the highs and lows of my story thus far.

And while there are dozens who have helped to shape me into the woman and mother I am today, no one has had a bigger impact than my own mum.

A strong Irish woman, who lost her own mum at 17 and her father just four years later, my mother is a tower of strength and the type of woman novels are written about.

We have gone through some incredibly tough times together – times that drove us apart and times that strengtened our bond even more – but we've always recognised we're better as a team.

While not without her flaws, this woman makes me want to be a better person. Simple as that.

In honour of the woman who answers to a whole host of names – the most important being 'Ma' – here are just ten nuggests of information she has passed onto me over the years.

1. What you say about someone says more about you than it does about them.

“If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. Not even under your breath.”

2. Always pack an extra pair of knickers.

“You never know what might happen, and you don't want to be caught short, pet.”

3. Always say hello to someone you vaguely know even if you don't think they'll reply

“It's hard to shake off the 'unfriendly' description, love.”

4. Worrying solves nothing
"It doesn't rid tomorrow of its sorrow, it only strips today of its strenght."

5. Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy
"Being honest is the first step out of any problem...unless it's about that new dress of mine, ya hear me?"

6. Showing up is half the battle
"Up ya get girl, the world is waiting."

7. Quality over quantity when it comes to everything, especially friendships
"I knew that one was a bad egg, long before you ever copped it."

8. Be kind even when someone doesn't deserve it
"Kill them with kindness if needs be."

9. Department store fitting rooms are a nonsense.
"Sure, who'd be looking at ya? Now, pull that vest over your head like a good girl."

10. A bath, a cup of tea and a bar of chocolate is our medicine
"The problem mightn't be solved, but you''ll feel better able to deal with it."

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