Exercise is a vital part of our children’s development, with the correct amount supporting proper brain, muscle and bone development – this is why the latest findings of the British Heart Foundation are a major cause for alarm.


According to a study carried out by the Foundation’s National Centre for Physical Activity and Health (BHFNC), a whopping nine out of 10 British children are not getting enough exercise. Indeed, just 9% of two- to four-year-olds are getting the recommended three hours (at least) of physical activity each day.


The statistics have raised concern among health experts, who have now called for the British Government to tackle the problem head-on.


Representatives from the British Heart Foundation (BFH) have suggested the development of policies that will make getting the required three hours of daily physical activity an integral part of life in the home, at nursery, and in the broader community.


Commenting on the findings, Elaine McNish of the BFH said: “We know that active children are more likely to become active adults, so it's vitally important to get it right at the beginning to give children opportunities to play from a young age and develop a lifelong love of being active.”


