This is great!


We might think that strapping our kids securely into a good car seat is job done for car safety, but one mum wants us to know there’s a little more to it.


She’s talking chest clips, and more specifically, their position. With just two simple images of a skeleton in a car seat – so we can actually see what’s being protected – mum and self-titled ‘child passenger safety advocate’ Ashley Kulm shows the correct way to place the chest clip.


In the split shot image, Mr. Bones displays the incorrect way on the left, with the chest clip at the belly, and the correct way, with the chest clip further up, placed just under the armpit.



“Mr. Bones here is demonstrating on the left why his chest clip sucks,” Ashley explains. “He would have internal bleeding to his vital organs. Mr. Bones on the right has the chest clip properly placed and his organs protected by his rib cage.”


Ashley goes on to say on her dedicated Mr. Bones Facebook page that it’s also crucial parents consult their car seat manual before strapping the kids in.


What a clever way to ‘drive’ this important safety point home!


SHARE this super effective safety message with other parents!

