Access to inappropriate content
It’s frightening thought that your child at any time could accidently access violent, offensive or pornographic material. This is especially true if may be only one or two clicks away from violent, pornographic or offensive material particularly if you haven’t taken measures to have filters installed on your computer or laptop. Advertisements for alcohol and other inappropriate products can be difficult to block as they are usually images without text.
Filtering programs
It’s important to be aware that filtering programs, while useful, are not 100% reliable. Children who are technologically savvy can often disable these programs. Filters don’t screen what takes place in chat rooms or social networking sites and certainly can’t replace parental awareness and supervision.
Chat rooms and forums are a lot of fun and a good way of discovering information but they also present many risks. People are completely anonymous and age limits are not enforceable. There is also a small but real risk that children could be targeted and asked to meet up where they could be at risk of being sexually or physically abused.
The risk of child abuse or stalking over the internet if your children are fully aware that should never give out personal information over the internet or speak to anyone they do not know in person. 
Too much internet/computer use
It can be a worry for many parents that their child might be online too often. Children who are shy or timid and who find it hard to interact socially can spend a lot of time online so it’s important that you encourage them to try out activities that involve meeting people.

