We sift through our Facebook pages on a daily basis, maybe ten or twenty times a day.


Sometimes it can take us away from reality, and other times it will help us connect with those we don't see too often. 


But for one couple, it completed their family. 



Scrolling through Facebook, the married couple came across a beautiful little girl, Primrose. 


The toddler had the most beautiful piercing blue eyes you would ever see, and the couple immediately felt an overwhelming connection to the tot. 


Primrose was born with silver-blue eyes, however, when it was discovered she was blind, she was given up for adoption shortly after birth. 


Wanting to know more information about the youngster, the couple got in touch with the adoption agency, wanting to meet her. 



"When I saw her picture on Facebook, I don't understand why, I don't have any explanation. But when I look at her eyes, I see everything about her that brought us together," explained Mum. 


Knowing Primrose was lying in a crib across the world upset the couple, wanting to take her into their home as soon as possible. 


"There's something indescribable about finding this file for the first time, and feeling that child in the file is yours," added Dad. 


"When it comes to adoption there is something that pulls on the heartstrings that is hard to explain, [...] some people just have this gut feeling that they're theirs."



The couple instantly knew that Primrose was the daughter they so badly wanted regardless of her disability, with the tot finding her forever home in 2016.


When people hear about Primrose's condition, they would often say 'I'm sorry to hear that', something which her parents don't understand. 


Her dad stated: "There's nothing scary about blindness, there's nothing to apologise about."


Primrose is too adorable - these three make the perfect family. 


