Many of us have developed Twitter crushes over the years, but few of us can say they lead to a relationship.


But Victoria Carlin is the exception. Back in November 2012, the London girl replied to a tweet from the Waterstones Oxford Street Twitter account, having developed quite the crush on the tweeter in question.


It seems the tweeter was a funnyman, and smart to boot, something that Victoria just couldn't resist. 



Having retweeted him more than most customers, Victoria eventually decided to declare her love for him online.


“Well I’m in love with whoever is manning the @WstonesOxfordSt account. Be still my actual beating heart,” she wrote.



And her courage paid off, for the man in question – Jonathan O’Brien - replied!


“Pff, he’s not that dreamy in real life,” he wrote, but she replied 'pff, book nerds = dreamboats."



Eventually, they went for cocktails and the rest, as they say, is history.


Four years on from that very first tweet, they recently tied the knot.


Last weekend, the new Ms OB shared a photo of their big day on (yep, you guessed it) Twitter, writing underneath her original tweet: “Dear reader, I married him.”


It has now been shared and liked 30,000 times.



“Romcoms I would watch,” quipped Twitter user Margaret H. Willison.


Another, Erica Cameron said: “Someone write me this book because this is adorable.”


SHARE if this reassured you that romance is not dead in the modern age.


