More babies are conceived on December 11th than any other day of the year in the UK, according to new research.
The National birth records show that September 16th is the most popular birthday in Britain, and with the average gestations time being 40 weeks, it works out that December 11th is the day these babies are conceived.
December is also the most fertile month of the year, with 9% of babies being conceived at this time. Studies suggested the reason for this is that sperm quality is higher in the cold weather. It is also thought that couples have more sex in December than any other month because it’s the party season, and because couples are in a better mood in the lead up to Christmas.
The research was conducted by Lovehoney, the UK’s biggest online seller of sex toys, based on established scientific studies.
So if you are trying to conceive, December is the time to give it a proper go!

