Most new mums are eager to loose their baby weight but with a new baby in the house finding the time can be difficult.
If your doctor has given you the all clear to exercise again and you want to start but you can’t seem to find time to do it then these tips should help.
  • Walking with your baby in the buggy, or jogging with a jogging buggy if he or she is older than six months, is a great way to exercise.
  • Get a baby carrier and take your child along when you go for a hike.
  • Take walking shoes with you to work and take a walk in the park or somewhere nearby while you’re on lunch. Taking a friend or colleague or your iPod along will make this more fun.
  • Enlist your partners help. Get him to watch your baby for half an hour while you take a walk or exercise.
  • Look for mums and babies yoga or exercise classes at your local gym and take your baby along.
  • If you’d rather exercise without your baby, then look for a gym that offers a day care or crèche service so your child can be cared for while you work out.
  • Buy an exercise, yoga or fitness DVD, and work out at home while your child is sleeping.
  • Investing in home equipment, like a stationery bike or a treadmill, is another great way to work out while your child is a baby.
Remember to take it slow, whatever you do, and make sure that you have the go-ahead from your doctor first.

