Building a good relationship with your child’s teacher is just as important as helping them do their homework. With both you and the teacher working together with your son or daughter’s best interest in mind, you will create an unbreakable support network that will help foster growth and learning.
Make a point of saying thank you
We know it’s part of their job to help your little one if they are struggling, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t say thank you. Pop your head around the door in the morning or after school and pass on your compliments. Everyone appreciates a kind word and they will feel that all their effort towards your child is worth it.
Get to know them
Make a point of getting to know them as soon as possible. If you haven’t already met the teacher, book an appointment with them to see how your little one is getting on and how you can help them. The teacher will appreciate you showing interest in your child’s academia and will know you don’t just assume all the work is down to them.
Offer help
Some schools need volunteers to help hand out books, to go on school trips or to even do yard duty. If you have the time, why not sign up to do a few little jobs around the classroom. You will get a good insight into what goes on during the school day and will be giving the teacher some much-needed help.
Voice your concerns to them
School is not all rosy for every person and sometimes problems or issues do arise. If you do have any concerns approach the teacher first. Certain issues can usually be sorted out among yourselves and they will appreciate you coming to them to see what is going wrong rather than straight to the principal. Obviously if things don’t go according to plan, you can go see the head.
Keep them informed
A teacher is there to help your child learn but sometimes things can happen at home that will affect their school performance. Make sure your youngster's teacher is well aware of anything that is happening at home including medical concerns, relationship problems or anything else that is going on in their lives. This way they will be able to teach your child accordingly and perhaps give them a little helping hand. 

