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Girls Aloud singer takes baby out for the first time
05/03/2014 11:03
Former Girls Aloud singer Nadine Coyle was spotted out and about for the first time since the birth of her baby girl. The 28-year-old, who gave birth on 10th February, was seen pushing her baby around LA.
The mum-of one, who announced on Instagram that she was pregnant,  admitted she was a bit shocked to find out she was pregnant and said: I think I was the least likely to be the first to have a baby, It would always come up."
She added: "A couple of the other girls had wanted babies for a long time but I said no way... It was definitely a shock, but I was really, really happy."
The youngster, whose name has yet to be released, was hidden from view by a blanket that was protecting her from the sun.
After the birth of her little girl, the Irish singer tweeted: “I am overjoyed to let you know our little girl is here. She is amazing! I love being a mammy & will fill you all in soon. Love Nadine Xx.”
The Derry born star announced in January that she was having a baby girl with  boyfriend, Jason Bell, and is clearly relishing being a mum. 
She recently tweeted: “I have so many of you to thank for your gifts & well wishes. I am in the land of total baby bliss. Thank you all for your love & support. Xx”
She added: “I have to get back to staring at my little pink bundle (my life since she was born) Loads of love to you!”
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