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Helen Flanagan admits she will still model after having baby
25/02/2014 10:39
Former Coronation star Helen Flanagan has revealed that she will start trying for a baby with her boyfriend Scott Sinclair this summer but admits that it won’t stop her career.
The actress, who is notorious for posting sexy shoots on her Instagram account, admits that she would still like to do lingerie shoots after she has had children although she would like to keep them classy.
She said: "I'd like to do lingerie shoots, but to keep things classy. I'm really interested in photography so I want to get that kind of thing out of the way now I'm 23."
She added: "It's just the way that you do it. A lot of Victoria's Secret models have babies and look beautiful - I don't think you should not model or not be sexy after having a baby."
Talking to Ok magazine, the reality star said that she doesn’t mind if she has a girl or boy first “as long as they were healthy” but went on add: "I would worry more if I had a little girl, because I'm quite headstrong. And if she was like me it would probably be a nightmare! So I think a little boy to start off with."
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