All week, we have been sharing some of the touching parenting videos released ahead of the Superbowl. From themes like how to raise strong kids to heartwarming stories of what it means to be a dad, we can’t deny how lovely these videos are.


However, if there is one video that absolutely wins the internet this week, it’s this playful reminder about why judging other parents is a really, really bad idea.


In this short, called ‘The Mother ‘Hood’ video, US company Similac shares a parody of what it’s like when you judge and compare yourself to other parents.


The bio reads: “There’s something going down on the playground. Don’t they know that everyone has their own way of parenting? But when it comes down to it, we’re all on the same side. Help us put an end to the judgment by sharing this video with every parent you know.”


Check it out and prepare to be entertained and intrigued by this hilarious but also thought-provoking video.




