If you have a child who is terrified of getting their immunisations, and screams at the sight of the doctor or the school nurse paying a visit, this news will be of interest to you.
Scientists have developed an alternative immunisation method that could ease the fear of those who are afraid of getting their jabs.
The new technology takes the form of a wearable patch comprised of tiny micro-needles. The patch would be pain-free, can be self-administered, and would only have to be worn for a short period.
After approximately 20 minutes, the body’s moisture would dissolve the micro-needles and the user could remove the patch.
During clinical trials, a group of volunteers were immunised against the flu virus using a variety of methods.
One group received a traditional intramuscular injection, one group self-administered the patch, health care providers administered the patch to a third group, and the final group received a placebo vaccine via the patch.
Researchers found that there were no adverse side-effects associated with the patch, and it was as effective as a traditional immunisation.
The results, which were published in The Lancet journal, established that 70 percent of those who participated preferred the patch to the traditional syringe application.
There are other benefits to the new patch vaccine besides the lack of pain. Researchers say people are more likely to immunise themselves against the flu if they can do it themselves at home.
Nadine Rouphael, M.D., associate professor of medicine at Emory University of Medicine, who led the study said in a press release: “Dissolvable micro-needle patches could potentially simplify the delivery of influenza vaccines.”
Dissolvable microneedle patch for flu vaccine found to be safe & preferred in first-in-human trial https://t.co/79Sd1zIUJk pic.twitter.com/y6ucXPQonU
— The Lancet (@TheLancet) June 28, 2017
"The patch could be safely applied by participants themselves, meaning we could envisage vaccination at home, in the workplace, or even via mail distribution.
“These advantages could reduce the cost of the flu vaccine and potentially increase coverage."
Other advantages of the patch method include that the vaccine can be transported and stored without refrigeration, and is easily disposed of after use without sharps waste.
The patch could be incredibly helpful for children who have a phobia of needles and vaccines, and also for adults who have had a lifelong fear of needles.
What do you think of this new method, mums? Do you have kids who are afraid of getting injections? Let us know your thoughts, we would love to hear them.