It’s easy to forget we were all children once, so much so that we often give kids a hard wrap for being, well, kids. There is nothing more incredible or inspiring than a child who is learning and growing right in front of your very eyes, and sometimes they get things wrong.
Here are eight things you need to forgive your child for:
Being noisy
Your little one drumming on the tin or the drawers is them making music, not going out of their way to annoy you. Kids make noise, this is what they do. And the louder the better.
Making a mess
What might look like a mess to you is playing to them. Pulling things out of boxes, emptying the Lego on the floor and throwing colours all over the place is making their play easier. Sure it will only take about 15 minutes to clear it away.
Using hands to eat
Kids don’t care if they get spaghetti all over them, in fact, the more they get on their face the better. Remember kids aren’t miniature adults – they like mess and gross things, so let them enjoy it.
Forgetting manners
Even adults forget to use their manners every now and then so don’t get mad when your little one does as well. Kids are always learning and can forget things once on a while. A gentle reminder is all it takes.
Not sharing
For a long time, kids won’t really understand the concept of sharing and won’t want to, so you need to preserve. It will eventually click, but until it does a few reminders here and there won’t go amiss.
Children have yet to learn to control their emotions so when they are upset they’ll cry. Sometimes this can be over the simplest of things but to them it will be important. We all have different perspectives and while you might not consider a broken toy to be a big deal it can be to a young child.  
Embarrassing you
Children often ask awkward questions that can leave you a little red faced. But bear in mind their innocence. What you perceive as being an embarrassing question is just them being curious, so don’t give out to them for it.
Drawing on walls
You’ve got to admit it, drawing on a wall is much better than a skimpy little sheet of paper. 

