Worrying about your child is part and parcel of daily life for any parent, but when your child lives with a disorder which limits them in a number of ways, your anxiety levels increase dramatically as you help your son or daughter navigate a world which presents a number of difficulties not experienced by other children.

The experience can sometimes feel like an isolating one, so when you realise you have the support and acknowledgement of another mother it can mean more than anyone might realise as Tricia Klein of Ontario recently discovered.

Upon receiving an invitation which requested the company of her little boy Timothy at a classmate's birthday party, Tricia was astounded to discover an accompanying note which ultimately brought her to tears.

Written by the mother of her son's classmate, the note extended its support to Timothy, telling Tricia: "Carter sat beside Timothy at school and he always talks about him. I really hope he can come. We are renting a bounce castle that we can attach a small bounce slide at the bottom."

"We will also have water balloons and water guns. Maybe Timothy can come earlier in the day if it would be too much with the whole class," Carter's mum continued. "Let me know so we can make it work."

Speaking to ABC News, Tricia explained the impact the kind words had on her, saying: "It was an ugly cry for me that day. I was shocked that someone would take not only the time to write the note, but to be considerate enough to include him with all of his difficulties. "

The mum-of-three, who explained that Timothy has been diagnosed with non-verbal autism when he was two-years-old, was bowled over by the other mum's sentiments, continued: "It was a wonderful moment."

Opening up about her little boy, Tricia said: "Timothy is a very happy and social little guy. He struggles with social interaction, but longs to be a part of groups and activities and have friends like every other kid his age."

In her blog, Tricia admitted that her little boy had never attended a single social event despite having been invited because she feared families and peers wouldn't be able to facilitate Timothy, saying: "I wonder if the parents know what would happen if I brought Timothy?"

"The interruptions...the meltdowns...how I would hate to take the spotlight from the birthday child," she continued. "So we politely decline. Every. Single. One...Until this one arrived."

Opening up about her part in the heartwarming story, Carter's mum Ainsley said: "Carter had always talked about him, so I didn't think twice when he wanted him at the party."

"I never thought that the words 'Let's make it work' would impact my life forever," she added. "These few words allowed Tricia and I to develop an amazing friendship. I love knowing that one note gave her the ability to go on another day as she continues life with Timothy."


What a wonderfully uplifting story.


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