My 6yo girl was being bullied before Christmas by a boy in her class. She kept it quiet for a long time and after she became withdrawn and nervous and saying she didn’t want to go to school, we figured out that something was going on. The boy was calling her names, as well as hitting her. We contacted the school and it seemed like they took it seriously and dealt with it.
However the boy’s mother began talking about me and my daughter to the other mums, saying nasty things. She was called in to the school because of her son and he was disciplined so maybe she’s trying to get back at me. Anyway I don’t pay her much attention.
However since then I’ve noticed my daughter acting out a lot more. She seems generally unhappy and really angry. She was a quiet child before and a very nice kid, but now she lashes out at her younger brothers and gets very angry with me and her dad over silly things.
I asked if she was still being bullied and she said no, but her teacher says she’s been quieter than usual and more withdrawn in class. She doesn’t think the boy is still bullying her but I worry that even if he’s not doing directly, he’s copying his mum and turning the rest of the class against my daughter.
Does anyone have any experience with a situation like this? Is there a way to sort it out, especially without any solid proof? Or should I consider something more extreme like counselling for my little girl or even a new school in September?