When it comes to raising boys, you can expect a lot of mess. And fart jokes. And sticky bathroom floors. 


As any boy-mum knows, you can expect a high levels of stickiness and smelliness, no matter how hard you try.  


Social media comedienne behind the account MyLifeSuckers, and boy mum-of-two, Deva, has hit the nail right on the head with her latest video. 


She imitates the daily activities of raising boys, and it's too accurate. 



From finding farts hilarious. 



To literally never using a never using a glass. 



Like ever, no matter how many times you tell them not to. 



To mum being the only racetrack work driving on. 



Or using you as a wiping post for whatever mystery dirt they have on their hands. 



Or maybe as target practise. 



Just generally scoffing every food in sight (apart from vegetables). 



But at the end of the day, they'll always come crawling back to mum for cuddles. 



Since she's gotten over 10 million views and nearly as many likes, it's a scarily accurate depiction of live with boys. 


But you've gotta love them, really, messes and all! 

