You think of pregnancy tests and what instantly comes to mind?


That shiny clinical plastic that shows up a little plus or minus on it. 


It's been 30 years and they haven't really changed much, have they?


However, they are finally getting a long overdue makeover.



This new earth-friendly test is all thanks to Bethany Edwards, the founder and CEO of Lia, a startup that aims to change the way we think about pregnancy tests.


It's been four years of slogging it, but Bethany is confident in this new test and it's importance for women. 


“Nobody has innovated on the home pregnancy test [structure] in over 30 years,” Edwards told Glamour. 


So what will it actually be like?



According to Lia, it ''is flushable and ultra-discreet, so there's no waste and no trace.''


Sounds good to us.


Bethany makes the point that this is a new dawn for women's health products and a new era for a new generation of women. 



Historically, women haven't had the easiest of times when it's come to testing for pregnancy.


Ancient Egyptians used tp mix their urine with grains to predict if a woman was going to have a baby. 


The Hogben test was a thing only 100 years ago, where women's urine was injected into female frogs to see if they produced eggs. 


Positively archaic, right?



@fastcompany @meetlia World Changing Ideas. 

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The pros to this test include: more privacy most importantly. This means no more wrapping pregnancy tests in toilet roll and hiding them in bins.


Plus they are biodegradable, compostable and simply put, more convenient.


You pee on the stick and then flush it down the toilet straight after. 


It looks like the future has arrived with Lia's new test...and not a moment too soon. 

