We’re sure lots of dads (and mums for that matter) will relate to this! Dad John Tierney, from South Lanarkshire in Scotland, has gone viral after posting a funny, tongue-in-cheek video where he tells his four-year old daughter Grace that she can’t have a boyfriend – ever!


And in true girl power style feisty Grace refuses to accept this.


“But what if I want a boyfriend?” she asks initially.


To which her joker of a dad replies, “I’ll break his legs.”


“No!” shouts his daughter. “Listen. I want a boyfriend I’m getting a boyfriend!”


But John was just as stubborn: “You’re not getting a boyfriend, you're going to be a nun. You're going to work for Jesus.”


Well it goes without saying that that doesn’t go down too well with Grace.



“We were just heading to the park so Grace could have a go on her new bike,” John told the Daily Mail, “and she waved at two boys who walked past the car.


“I joked that she should stop waving at boys because they were smelly, and she then told me she wanted a boyfriend.


“I started recording her responses because she is such a wee character – she is very much a sponge and absorbs everything that people says.


“The video has gone a bit mental – we got stopped in the supermarket yesterday by someone who had seen it. I never expected it to go this mad.”


So funny!


SHARE if you got as much of a giggle from this as we did!


