Fancy an Instagram trend that's easy, hilarious AND fun for the whole family. 


Then look no further then 'Objects as Outfits' the adorable trend on swapping out t-shirts for tacos, and underwear for apples. 


The best thing? It's different and doable. Simply get your little one, assorted food items, and start snapping away! 


Here are a selection of our favourites: 



A post shared by Renai Wright (@raisingemwright) on


Anyone can avocado it! 



A post shared by Chelsea Conroy (@chelseakhaila) on


If the cookie fits... 



A post shared by Becky Mackenzie (@mummy.mack) on


Cool or cheesy? Can it be both?  



A post shared by momtorae (@momtorae) on


This one is particularly eggs-cellent. 



When your outfit strikes the right note. 



A post shared by KidsWoodLove (@kidswoodlove) on


Nutella is the new black. 



Mums can join in the fun too! 



A post shared by Haley Warner (@haleywrnr) on


We don't have mushroom to do these recipes! 




Feeling inspired to try it out yourself? We sure avacado!  

