Our 5 top tips to help you keep your Halloween celebrations sustainable this year

We LOVE Halloween - the gorgeous colours, the beautiful decorations and the sounds of kids being kids. However, this time of year can hit hard when it comes to waste, so we have come up with five easy ways to reduce your waste during the spooky season.

1. Don’t buy any new decorations

The great thing about Halloween is that the ‘old look’ is perfect when it comes to spooky Halloween décor. Broken witches and torn ghosts flying over doorways can look even better than shiny new decorations. Use what you have this year or try shopping in charity shops for some bits and bobs to get your home feeling super spooky.

2. Don’t buy a costume

We don’t expect everyone to take out their sewing machine and create stunning spooky attire for each member of their family. However, hand-me-downs, borrowed or even make-shift costumes are just as good. Think about it: Halloween costumes are the DEFINITION of fast fashion - you buy them to wear them once. Opting for a more green approach to costumes will also be kinder on your pocket - it’s a win-win!

3. Pillowcases when Trick-or-Treating

This is actually a common practice in Canada and America. Instead of buying those plastic pumpkin baskets/containers, choose some adorable pillowcases to fill on Halloween night. This option makes perfect sense as pillowcases can often tend to store more sweets. Grab the pillowcases, get them filled to the brim with sweets, and enjoy!

4. Have packaging in mind when buying sweeties for Trick-or-Treaters

We KNOW that sweets are essential, but it is definitely worth considering what kind of packaging comes with the sweets in question. Mini cardboard boxes of Smarties can do the trick or you could even make your own waste-free treats such as marshmallows dipped in chocolate, skewered with dry spaghetti strings. Consider opting for fruit this year as apples and oranges come with their very own biodegradable packaging.

5. Go back to old school games

If you are planning a Halloween bash, try to reduce your waste by playing games that won’t leave a mark. Bob for apples, tell ghost stories or even make your own Bairín Breac with items from around the house, wrapped in brown paper. Games that you need to buy (bubbles, mask-making etc.) should be avoided because everything comes with plastic or non-recyclable packaging.

With her daughter Evie as her muse, Anna writes about mumhood and all its intersections from mental health to movies, social issues to pop culture. Anna lives in Dublin with her daughter, partner, three younger sisters and parents. She is a dreadful cook, a fair guitar player and thinks caffeine should be given as a yearly vaccine to parents - courtesy of the HSE.

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