There’s nothing quite as fun as a trip to the park once the fine weather hits, and the simple pleasures of playing on the swings and meeting up with your friends cannot be beaten.


This is why we are just as alarmed as locals, upon hearing that a group of ‘crooks’ has been ordering children to pay an ‘entrance fee’ to local public parks in Scotland.


According to a report by the Daily Record, children from the Stevenston area of Ayrshire have been confronted by this group at the gates of council-run parks and ordered to pay a £1 fine before they can set foot inside. The report claims that the group tried to pull off a similar ploy at a nearby car par.


The publication quoted local Councillor Jim Montgomerie, who branded the scenario ‘scandalous’.


“I’ve had numerous complaints from people in the Ardeer area of Stevenston regarding their children being asked by men for money to play in the swing park near the beach. This is scandalous and must be stopped. I have asked council officials to take immediate action,” he said.


Let’s hope that this shocking behaviour will cease immediately.


SHARE with a friend living in the area, who may have come across this.


