Parents in the United Kingdom could be fined up to £120 if their children are continuously late for school. The new rule has been introduced by Staffordshire County Council.


They believe that students who are late on more than ten occasions should be punished for their poor punctuality.


Parents will be fined if their child is found to be late over ten times within the space of 12 weeks.


They will face a £60 fine if their child is marked late over ten times. The £60 must be paid within the space of three weeks. If a parent fails to pay this fine within 28 days, it will double to £120.



Parents in Staffordshire have been informed about the new introduction, however, those who fail to pay the fee may face prosecution.


If you don’t pay the fine after 28 days you may face jail time of up to three months. Parents may also be fined up to £2,500, or could even get a Parenting Order.


The Staffordshire County Council shared that the principle will make the final decision- however, they have stressed the importance of introducing this rule in schools.



Philip White, who is a member of the Staffordshire County Council’s cabinet explained the importance of this rule to The Independent.


He stated, “It’s important to remember the general position remains unchanged: head teachers have the discretion to decide whether the reason for absence is an exception or not and if unauthorised by the Head the school reports this to the county council which then processes the penalty notice.”


He added, “Children should go to school every day because absence affects their performance and is disruptive for the rest of the class while they’re catching up.”


