Long, unsociable hours are often the norm for farmers around the world. 


Katie Spence Pugh knew that when she married her farmer husband Eugene. The mum-of-three also knew that this meant she’d be doing a lot of the parenting solo.


And while she’s normally happy to just get on with it, sometimes she gets fed up.


That happened recently, so she sent her husband a text to let him know she was struggling.


“I wanted him to know that I was feeling fed up with how much he works and with all that I have to do every day by myself,” she wrote on Facebook.



“The full time job, cooking dinner, bathing kids, weekend trips without him, keeping up a home, you name it I was resenting it.”


But later that night, Katie saw something that turned her resentment to pure and utter gratitude.


“He came in, fixed his plate and sat down to eat all alone. He was tired. He was hot,” she wrote.


“He was exhausted. Rather than complain, he said he was sorry I was tired and felt that way,” she wrote.



Then he proceeded to eat his meal as their little girl Charlotte “talked his head off and even ate most of his dinner.”


Despite this, not once did Eugene complain. Touched by his tenderness, his patience and all he did for his family, Katie took a photo of the tender moment between dad and daughter.


“Do I wish that we saw him more than an hour or so a day? Yes. But, the love he has for his craft is something to envy.”



He is, she said, “showing his children the value of hard work and discipline.”


That’s what lead to her epiphany. “So while I felt frustrated, I really should have felt thankful. I got to sit down to dinner and hear all the stories from the day with the kids. I got to give them a bath and hear their squeals and giggles.”


“I got to snuggle and love on them for 3 hours more than he did. He is the one sacrificing, not me. We will keep on keeping on until the next rainy day when we get a few extra hours with our hard worker.”


Aww. What a beautiful message, and one that anyone with a busy hubby will relate to, no doubt. You can read the full post below. 



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