Having dealt with 42 incidents of 'inappropriate social media use' in just nine months, The Dorset Police Safer Schools and Communities Team have issued a warning to parents in an effort to protect children from the sinister side of the internet.

Reminding us that our children are often in a position where they can be exposed to inappropriate material via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat, Dorset Police have urged parents: "Be vigilant about how your children are using social media."

While you may be confident your child would not actively seek out adult-only material online, it's important to remember they may be exposed to such content purely as a result of social media use.

Commenting on the reality of the matter, Margaret Morrissey, founder of the Parents Outloud group said: "I think parents need to understand that allowing Snapchat and apps like it is extremely dangerous, but is made to look safe. I wonder how many realise screenshots can be taken and shared."

With 17 of the aforementioned 42 cases reported to police involving 'sexting', innumerable teens have since admitted that the questionable activity is a daily aspect of teen life,.

As a result of this, Kevin Broadway, head of All Saints School in Weymouth, encouraged parents everywhere to take an active role in their child's online life, saying: "We would just urge all parents to be as vigilant as they can about how their children are using social media. It’s not just a Dorset issue it’s a nationwide issue."

If your child has been approached to fulfil inappropriate requests or share indecent images online, you can report it to the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) at ceop.police.uk


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