Blue's Clues fan, John, had a special shirt which he wore when he wanted to be just like his favourite character, Joe. 


But on one particular occasion, his mum, Sherry Lynn Hillard, couldn't find what her teenage son was looking for, his favourite shirt had disappeared. 


John, who suffers with autism, couldn't cope with the news, leading to a meltdown which soon turned into rage. 


Sherry had to have the police come around to calm her son down: "In the last week I've had six police officers in my home because my son's meltdowns turned to rage."



But she had a very special message to share about the officers who turned up on her doorstep: "I couldn't pass up the opportunity to show my appreciation for the empathy these officers had for my son."


"They showed up not knowing much about autism but they listened and learned while they kept us all safe."


The officers listened so intently that they learned the source of the problem - the missing shirt. 



Autism sufferers find it difficult to cope when their normal routine is knocked; so the officers left and went to the store, picking up a plain blue shirt. 


When Sherry took a snap of the officers on their return, it was because she was incredibly awed by their empathy and compassion. 


Gathered around the patrol car, they began to design the shirt into Joe's from Blue's Clues: "That's what this pic is, three officers going above and beyond to help a severely autistic teenage boy!"



Mum added: "Sadly, it didn't work, but the fact that they were willing to do this for my son made them heroes in my eyes."


All was not lost though, Cutting Edge Designs came to the rescue when they saw John's plight, designing Joe's shirt to perfection for the teenager.


They do say it takes a village, and this is one village we'd love to be a part of. 

