End of their tether! Fed-up parents send teen list of the 'crimes' she's committed
Looking for an amazing skin product for your teen? This is it
Pensioner jailed for hugging her granddaughter
"All too commonplace" Investigation launched after teens left in critical condition
"It didn't do me any good": Mum refuses to give 'the talk' to her pre-teen girl
"She's used to hunger:" Mum's EMOTIONAL plea to her selfie-mad teen
"The most beautiful date there," says teen of his terminally ill prom date: his mum!
"They said nobody would miss me if I died:" Transgender teen's HEARTBREAKING vid
'A message to mums of little ones as my daughter turns 18'
'An absolute shambles’: Police issue apology after teen drowns
'Better to be safe than sorry': Teen's warning after toxic shock terror
'Double standards': Fans left divided by Victoria Beckham's Instagram post
'Face my eternal wrath': This mum left her teens this HILARIOUS note
'Fortnite sucks': mum's rant about popular video game is too true
'He is safe and well': BGT's Missing People Choir help reunite mum with her son
'He needs to be aware': Why this mum gave her son condoms for his 13th birthday
'He would have been paralysed': A trip to the dentist may have just saved this 13-year-old boy’s life
'He's a bit like Stevie Wonder...' Katie Price reveals Harvey,14, lives ‘like a king’ at home
'I am never shopping there again': Teen criticises Topshop's skinny mannequins
'I brushed my hair today': Teen reveals she's trying while begging for people to listen
'I don't want to die': teacher shares student's tragic reaction to fire alarm
'I was so upset': Teen who battled cancer 'banned' from attending her school prom
'I would like to repay and thank the kind woman’: Mum looking for stranger who paid for daughter’s ticket home
'I'm so sorry this world could not have kept you safer'
'Ick means no': Emma Thompson writes wise sexual care guide for daughter
'It made my guts turn': Dad horrified at predator's advances on Roblox iPad game
'It's heartbreaking': Best friends talk about aftermath of Manchester attacks
'It's pathetic': Parents outraged at the difference between these teen magazines
'KISS HIM!': couple walking home from prom get the sweetest surprise
'Left with limited options': Antibiotic-resistant infections among children on the RISE
'NACHO typical Dorito': Boy pulls off the best prom proposal EVER
'Not hungry now, thanks anyways': This mum was not taking no for an answer
'One of the toughest days of my life': Manchester bombing victim describes returning to the arena
'Safety of antidepressants' taken by children remains unclear, according to researchers
'She was in tears': Strict dress code makes it almost impossible for tall teen to find homecoming dress
'She's a hero': Quick-thinking teen saves toddler from septic tank
'They are not discouraging': E-cigarettes 'encouraging' teenagers to START smoking
'They set our door on fire': Runaway teen parents targeted by arsonist
'They're all grounded': mum's attempt to ban kid's devices hilariously backfires
'They're so sweet': Why this cake meant so much to one teen
'Tragic': Teenager arrested after girl, 7, is found fatally injured in York
'We were all there once too': one mum on why we should all be cutting teenagers a break
'White boy privilege': This 14-year-old had a powerful message for his school poetry competition
'You alright?' Teen grounded for DABBING during father's swearing-in ceremony
'Your son is a hero’: Teenager praised for heroic act after hoverboard explodes
10 tweets all mums of teenagers will know to be true
10 ways you can build a better relationship with your teen
12-year-old girl shares a secret she's been keeping from her entire school for years
13-year-old girl killed after being thrown from faulty amusement park ride
14-year-old blows everyone away with STUNNING rendition of True Colors
15-year-old injured in explosion has the prom brought to her
16-year-old is shocked to receive a gift from his late father on his birthday
16-year-old receives nine year sentence for killing Bailey Gwynne
17-year-old cancer sufferer removed from parent's care for refusing chemotherapy
17-year-old jumps from taxiing airplane at San Francisco Airport
18-year-old is finally adopted after spending 13 years in foster care
19-year-old who reached the summit of Everest leaves something special at the top
20 teen text speak terms decoded for confused mums
25 EMPOWERING things to say to build your child's self-worth
27 gorgeous gifts for your teenage daughter (written by a teenager!)
35% of parents admit to buying alcohol for their underage children this survey reveals
407 minors have been tasered by UK Police in the past two years
900,000 kids risk losing A LOT of money as parents forget Child Trust Funds
A 13-year-old reveals what's really happening on Snapchat
A mum who lost her son last year is asking for your help
A new study shows a cut-off age for mastering fluency in a language
A simple app alerted this dad to his teen daughter’s dangerous lie
A staggering 25K children arrived ALONE onto Italy's shores during 2016
A teen girl is stabbed for refusing to go on a prom date
A teenager is putting a stop to 'boring' food and you'll be amazed by his creations
A teenager's open letter to any future men who want to date their mum
A VERY convincing case for giving your child pocket money
Amazing autistic teenager builds massive 8 meter long Titanic replica
Amazing! The super cool hospital gowns making sick teens feel like rockstars
Apps meant to keep kids safe online may be counterproductive, study finds
Autistic teen, 15, in secure mental unit thinks he's 'in prison'
Aww! Mum missed her school prom as she was pregnant. Teen son invites her to his!
Barber cuts autistic teens hair in the back of a car for the NICEST reason ever
Barman's search for missing wallet leads him to adopting the thief
Big thighs, cellulite and SMILES. The body positivity message we've ALL been waiting for
Bloody Marys & period poverty: this charity event sounds amazing
Book review: Keeping Your Child Safe on Social Media by Anne McCormack
Born with a rare disease, this teen just got facial surgery and looks WONDERFUL
Boy (13) missing for four years is found behind a fake wall
Brave teenagers save family from near-death in house fire
Brave young Girl Scout confronts Neo-Nazi at far-right rally
British teen dies after falling from whale watching station in Australia
British teen fitted with GPS tracker in ‘landmark’ ruling
Broke teen goes without so he can treat his date to dinner
Brooke Shields reveals she’ll be a ‘mess’ when youngest daughter goes to college
Brooklyn Beckham shares video of Victoria dancing in New York, but not everyone is impressed
Brooklyn Beckham takes over Vogue Me’s Instagram and shares insight into family life
Brothers who lost both parents in 2004 have honoured them in the most incredible way
Burned as a baby, this INCREDIBLE teen vows to fight fires (and bullies)
Campaign criticised for telling teens how to take drugs
Campaign steps up to make teenager’s dying wish come true
Car crash teen charged over allegedly using Snapchat while driving
Caring hairdresser spends 13 hours combing depressed teen's matted hair
Charity voices concern over primary school children's drug use
Children are taking dangerous measures to achieve this beauty ideal
Children as young as ten feel pressure to send explicit pictures of themselves online
Children in homes 'being criminalised at excessively high rates'
Children of divorced parents 'suffer more psychosomatic problems'
Children's Charity calls for more support around teenager's mental health
Children’s charity told teenager her sexual assault was her own fault
Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr. made this boy's dream come true
College student strips off in protest to 'short shorts' remarks
Concerned about sexting? Practical tips for protecting your child
Concerned Dad overwhelmed by stranger's support and advice
Confiscate the iPhone! App 'Yellow' is the teenage Tinder
Couple who had the same life-threatening disease will attend homecoming together
Crowd stunned as teen who never speaks gives powerful speech
Dad buys daughter a car - and finds a hidden (and moving) letter inside
Dad calls for aerosol ban at festivals after daughter suffers horrific burns
Dad collects his son from school while dressed in his SWIMWEAR...
Dad demands his 16 year child support back after learning truth
Dad edits his teen daughter's CV, and the result is TOO FUNNY!
Dad finds the funniest way to keep his daughter off the phone... but she’s not impressed
Dad goes to extremes to keep boys away from his young daughter
Dad goes viral for making good on his threat
Dad hires helicopter to look for his missing son because of a gut-feeling
Dad issues warning on Facebook after daughter, 14, ends up in A&E following night out
Dad leaves his daughter a note on her last day of school, about ORANGES
Dad releases hilarious 'instructional video' on how to change the toilet roll
Dad spends 12 years creating the most BEAUTIFUL graduation gift for his daughter
Dad takes his daughter's phone and what happens next is SO cruel
Dad's HILARIOUS response to finding out his 13-year-old is on Tinder
Daughter doesn't answer her mum's texts in college and you will NOT believe what she done
Daughter posts snaps with her mum on her last day of school, and we are emotional wrecks
Daughter receives 18 letters from her mum, leaving her in tears
David & Victoria Beckham celebrate son Cruz turning 18 with singing video
Devastated family find a secret message from deceased daughter
Did you? One in ten parents admit to FAVOURING one child in their will
Disabled teen asked to leave restaurant for being “too noisy”
Disabled teen WOWS his classmates by walking for the first time at graduation
Disney princesses used in rape awareness posters
Distraught mum begs youths to stop online bullying after her daughter ends up in hospital
Doctors cite parents' objection for not recommending vaccine 'critical' to teens
Doctors dumbfounded as boy walks just four days after breaking neck
Does your child own a liquid glitter phone case? You could need to bin it, NOW
Does your child own a liquid glitter phone case? You might need to bin it, NOW
Driver sues family of teen she killed for 'emotional distress'
Duckface dad: This dad did a hilarious impression of his teen daughter
Emma Roberts has dropped a MAJOR Scream Queens spoiler
Every mother of teenage boys will live for this hilarious Kleenex review
Every teen needs to watch this powerful ‘tea and consent’ video explaining sexual consent
Every teen should read this girl’s empowering message to her ex-boyfriend
Every woman needs to hear these words of wisdom from Obama
Exam stress found to be one cause of teen suicide, according to latest research
Experts warn parents over the danger of teens having too many friends on Facebook
Family and friends gather to watch as iPad dressed in a cap and gown 'graduates'
Family defend unusual grave decoration following daughter's tragic death
Family park son’s wrecked car outside Parliament following six year sentence
Family reunited with missing daughter after ten years
Fans exclaim as Joe Swash unveils rare update on his eldest child Harry
Fans get emotional as Kate Ferdinand unveils throwback snap of stepdaughter Tia
Father has interesting punishment for son caught smoking
Father takes drastic measures to make his daughter clean her room
Fed up of her "moody" and "smelly" teen, mum puts him up for SALE
GENIUS mum trolls her son online to make him do his chores
Girl has her prom photos taken in a CEMETERY, when the police turn up
Girl receives a gift from her grandfather... and CAN'T believe what is inside when she opens it
Girl recreates her prom night, and you’ll NEVER guess why
Girl suffering with ‘severe headache’ dies from suspected meningitis
Girl with cancer beats the odds to fulfil her teenage dream
Girl's surprise for her prom date will restore your faith in humanity
Girl, 12, and boy, 14, charged after attempted baby abduction
Girls told by school they can't say no if boys ask them to dance
Glued to their phone? 10 tips to manage your teen's mobile use
Google etiquette - granny style: how this amazing 85-year-old uses the internet
Got a teen (or mum) who suffers with skin issues? The new My Clarins range can help
Grandmother uses a store comment box to complain... about her grandson
Grieving mum’s heartbreak after doctors ignore daughter’s illness
Gwen Stefani gets emotional as she reflects on son Kingston’s milestone birthday
Half of children have seen pornographic content by the time they are 16
Hard-hitting video released to show the devastating effects of bullying
Headmaster defends his stance against teen romances
Heart-warming video of a teen girl hugging her dad for the first time
Heartbreaking: Parents searching for son, 15, after note says he’ll be BACK in a year
Heartbroken family appeal for new social media laws following teen's death
Helpful tips that will help you to encourage your teenager to think about their future
Hero is reunited with baby he saved nearly 20 years ago
Hilarious girl, 13, makes wall of sorrow to convince parents to buy her a cat
Hilarious! Mum thinks she's found drugs in her teen's room. She's very wrong.
How a dodgy hairdo reunited this girl with her preschool crush
How did this 13-year-old become an instagram fashion star?
How do you respect the privacy of your teen while also keeping them safe online?
HOW MUCH?! 'Hidden rise' sees parents feeling the pinch as students head to university
How schoolkids are using a party DRESS to honour their late friend
How to encourage your children to be happy feeders
IKEA asked children to compliment a plant for 30 days, what happened next is eye-opening
Injury experts say schools should ban 'harmful contact' from rugby games
Inspirational Stephen awarded MBE for fundraising work
Instagram goes parent-friendly by launching helpful guidelines
Instagram launches new features designed to keep teens safer on the app
Intimate piercing banned In Wales for young people under-18
Investigation launched into '48 hour' game where children pretend to go missing
Is your teen hanging out with a bad wrong crowd? Here's how to deal with it
Islamist militant group claims responsibility for abduction of Nigerian schoolgirls
Jamie & Jools Oliver honour daughter Petal with adorable tribute for special occasion
Jamie Oliver reveals cute throwback with son Buddy as he praises huge milestone
Jennifer Garner left teary-eyed as daughter Violet graduates from school
Jennifer Lopez shares rare insight into her twins on their milestone birthday
Julia Roberts treats fans to rare snap of son Henry as she marks special occasion
Kate Ferdinand pays tribute to her stepson Tate as he receives GCSE results
Kate Ferdinand shares sweet insight into her relationship with stepdaughter Tia
Kate Garraway ‘emotional’ as she opens up about daughter Darcey’s latest milestone
Keeping tabs and setting rules does more than simply discipline your kids
Kerry Katona ‘can’t cope’ as she reveals daughter Heidi is moving away from home
Kim Kardashian's favourite hobby being blamed for increase in head lice
Landmark ruling sees paedophile banned from using Snapchat
Listen to one father's response to his son's brave admission
Madonna 'rushes to UK' after Guy Ritchie leaves Rocco 'home alone' to go to L.A.
Madonna takes to Twitter following news Rocco will live with his father, Guy Ritchie
Majority of teens need to be taught how to handle food safely, says study
Man arrested for forcing his son to drink vodka as a punishment
Man left beaten after trying to grab a teenage girl trained in martial arts
Mannequins of pregnant schoolchildren feature in shop window
Mark Wahlberg leaves his teen MORTIFIED after he raps live on air
McDonald's employee makes TOUCHING effort to make autistic boy feel welcome
Miracle boy comes back to life as family agrees to donate organs
Missing boy found after 13 years speaks about his disappearance
Mother and daughter both learn a harsh lesson about internet security
Mother makes heartfelt appeal after she loses ‘precious’ fingerprint necklace
Mourning mother hugs her daughter's killer in court
Mum and daughter take the same picture every year- but the last one will make you cry
Mum and teen daughter's BRILLIANT period text exchange goes viral
Mum arrested after leaving kids home alone during 6-week foreign holiday
Mum arrested for injecting her 15-year-old daughter with heroin
Mum brings her daughter to college orientation... but took part in her own Bobcats orientation
Mum calls gay bar for parenting advice- and the bartender's response is PERFECT
Mum celebrates her son's graduation, while revealing some pretty HUGE news about her other son
Mum claps back after receiving 'bullying' note about autistic son
Mum has perfect response to shop assistant’s comments about her teen daughter
Mum invites school principal to go shopping after her daughter breaks dress code TWICE
Mum issues warning after daughter drinks dangerous amount of alcohol
Mum leaves a note for three teenagers in Starbucks with a very special message...
Mum lets her daughter choose her own graduation cake; deeply REGRETS it
Mum overhears teens verbally bashing girl over popularity; does THIS
Mum pens devastating letter to bullies following daughter's suicide
Mum publicly shames daughter on Facebook as punishment
Mum refused to give up her disabled son, and he has defied all expectations
Mum sends warning to parents and teenagers after daughter’s tragic death
Mum shares incredible message about standing up to cyber-bullying
Mum whose son died of an overdose warns of drug dealers targeting children
Mum writes inspirational post after her daughter's wig is pulled off
Mum's bittersweet post about her '18th summer' will leave you in bits
Mum's support of teen brought him back from brink of suicide
Mum’s 'Saturday night vs Sunday morning' photo is HILARIOUS
Mum’s visit to daughter at university goes VERY wrong – in the most hilarious way possible
Music videos exposing teens to shocking volume of smoking and alcohol references
Nails, hair, and PE gear: the madness of back-to-school with a tween
Neighbour hears about girl being bullied, so he shuts them down in the best way
Number of girls using social media for over three hours a day doubles
Oh no! Freshers Week sees students eat chips off the dirty GROUND
Older people ask teenagers questions and their responses are amazing
Paralysed teenager gives family and friends the ultimate surprise as he collects his diploma
Parent to a messy teen? This GRAPHIC photo will whip them into shape
Parents arrested after tragic family shooting results in son's death
Parents call British retailer's ad campaign "irresponsibly sexual"
Parents call police after 13-year-old daughter sends nude pictures to other teens
Parents outraged by teen disco posters 'promoting underage sex'
Parents urged to avoid commenting on child’s weight as it could ‘backfire’
Parents “too desensitised” to sex and violence to judge if a film is appropriate
Parents' hilarious prank on teenage daughter... caught on film
Parents' nightmare continues after they lose custody of their sick teen
Parents’ reaction to daughter’s Facebook profile goes viral
Pediatricians recommend IUDs and hormonal implants for teenage girls
Phoebe Prince's dad: 13 Reasons Why poses 'a risk' to vulnerable teens
Photographer captures STUNNING shots of albino twins with their sister, and we can't stop staring
Police appeal for information following teen's horrifying sexual assault
Police appealing for information after girl, 14, is raped while cycling home
Police issue appeal following the disappearance of twin sisters
Police issue statement following teen's tragic death in city park
Police issue warning to parents as children were spotted playing on the M60
Police officer involved in search for Amber Peat sacked for 'inappropriate' texts
Police officers try to help autistic teen when he loses his shirt
Police searching for three teens who all went missing last night
Policeman gets award for the truly MOVING way he helped an autistic teen
Programme expanding grammar schools draws both criticism and praise
Proposed new law likely to signal outrage among our teenage children
Proven: Negative comments on your daughter’s weight can cause LIFELONG damage
Rapper helps make teen cancer patient’s dream come true
Recent study signals unwelcome news for the parents of social media addicts
Relax! Your teenager's hurtful habit has a genuine scientific basis
Released TODAY: the £4 complete school uniform that matches M&S for quality
Reply ASAP: Dad creates app to make son text back - but there's one slight flaw
Researchers make important finding about gay and lesbian teens coming out at school
Reunited and it feels so good! Victoria Beckham shares adorable family photo
Runaway teens explain why they took their newborn daughter from hospital
School superintendent shares student's hilarious snow day bribes
Schoolgirl reveals more of her extraordinary drawings
Service dog gets a spot in her owner's yearbook, and looks FAB!
Shock as police officers pull weapons on horrified unarmed teen revellers
Shocked mum reveals daughter received death threats following One Direction gig
Shocked parents make heart-wrenching decision to turn sons over to police
So brave! This little girl cut off her hair for the most amazing reason
Some of the children who went missing in the Brecon Beacons have been found
Son doesn’t appreciate his mum for years, until the day he looks inside her casket
Stacey Solomon fans exclaim as she reveals eldest son Zachary as her NTAs date
Stacey Solomon gets emotional as she shares eldest child Zachary’s big milestone
Stacey Solomon pens emotional message for son Zachary’s milestone birthday
Stacey Solomon shares sweet insight into her sons’ surprise Hollyoaks cameos
Staff at secondary school urged to take spelling lessons after text blunder
Stephen Sutton’s mum to do something incredible to honour son’s wishes
Students band together to help teacher see colours for the first time
Students learn English in the most heartwarming way you can imagine
Students reduce teacher to tears with incredible birthday surprise
Student’s horrific binge-drinking experience is exactly what every teen needs to hear
Study establishes debilitating condition on the rise among teenagers in the UK
Study reveals 50% of young people have been bullied in the last year
Study says parents can help reduce dating violence in child's relationship
Study says teen girls are more affected by sleepiness than teen boys
Study tips for your teen over Christmas: Help them achieve their goals
Study: Listening to music with your kids may improve your future relationship
Study: Mums who sleep less are more likely to engage in permissive parenting
Teacher's heartbreaking plan for school shooting drill goes viral
Teen asked to mind 3-year-old brother- what happened next shocked their mother
Teen blows away her entire school, and the message she shares is remarkable
Teen braves icy water to raise money for disabled children
Teen breaks down in tears after classmate's thoughtful present
Teen carries little brother with cerebral palsy for 111 miles to raise awareness of disabilities
Teen created a special device to help cancer patients before he passed away
Teen creates AMAZING app so no student will have to sit alone at lunch
Teen finds the perfect way to cheat on his physics exam... but he deserves to be grounded
Teen girl arrested for terrorist joke on twitter
Teen girl sexually assaulted and ‘followed on to bus’ by attacker
Teen girls who diet are more likely to smoke and engage in other risky behaviours
Teen gives his whole lunch to a homeless woman, TOUCHES thousands of hearts
Teen gives the man who raised her a Batman v Superman onesie in a very special box
Teen is given the ULTIMATE surprise by her sister, and it’s the SWEETEST
Teen killed by brother after initiating game in the family home
Teen left 'mortified' after teacher 'body-shames' her in front of entire class
Teen left in tears after she opens a very special present from her parents
Teen living in pain EVERY day hosts ‘prom’ before giving up her fight for life
Teen posts a tribute photograph to her parents, and we’re BAWLING
Teen pregnancy figures in the UK at its lowest in nearly 40 years
Teen racing driver who lost both legs in horrific crash thanks 'hero' sister
Teen raises £3000 after her best friend's sudden death
Teen returns home after a 16-month battle with doctors
Teen reveals why she wasn’t invited to her aunt’s wedding, and it’s HEARTBREAKING
Teen risks his own life after five-year-old boy falls into an ice cold creek
Teen suing parents for posting embarrassing pictures on Facebook without permission
Teen takes a photo of her dad, not realising what it was going to lead to
Teen tells parents she's gay; parents throw a party (complete with 'vegan gay cake')
Teen told to change her outfit TWICE because it's "too distracting" for boys at her school
Teen who 'died' from dog bite wakes up on way to his own FUNERAL
Teen who shaved head for cancer charity told she must wear wig to school
Teen's HILARIOUS "rulebook" for boyfriend's lads' holiday to Magaluf
Teen's video on gender roles will make you think twice about picking pink or blue
Teenager adopted as a baby meets dying grandmother for the first time
Teenager brings mum to the prom after she dropped out of school to raise him
Teenager conceived through IVF makes an AMAZING discovery about best friend
Teenager gives a police officer a ticket for bad parking
Teenager hailed as hero after rescuing elderly woman and baby from fire
Teenager holds up notecards with writing on them... and her message is loud and clear
Teenager humiliated as school uses her bikini photo to demonstrate social media safety
Teenager hurt in crash at Alton Towers undergoes life-changing surgery
Teenager inspires people to chase their dreams as he trains for the Special Olympics
Teenager makes bracelets to pay for her bone marrow transplant
Teenager makes stunning dress out of BIN BAGS and we're in awe
Teenager responds to bullies in the best way possible
Teenager seeking full custody of sister after their parents pass away
Teenager shaves head for charity and exceeds his fundraising target
Teenager single-handedly saves family bakery with just one tweet
Teenager takes cardboard cutout of Danny DeVito to prom- and he responds
Teenager with Asperger's Syndrome teaches his bullies a very important lesson
Teenager with birth defect goes on to achieve something pretty incredible
Teenager's act of kindness leaves fellow plane passengers stunned
Teenager's first words after transplant show the importance of organ donating
Teenager's incredible legacy is marked on the first anniversary of his death today
Teenagers who spend quality time with parents more likely to go to university
Teens rushed to hospital after being thrown from a carnival ride in Scotland
Teens who tried to kidnap babies through Facebook ruse are sentenced
Teens’ disappearances could be linked to frightening Facebook ‘game’
Teen’s punishment for ‘slamming his door’ leaves the internet in hysterics
Terminally ill teenager is determined to raise a million for cancer charity
Terrifying footage shows mum throwing herself on daughter to free her from kidnapper
Texas teen spends bar mitzvah money on shoes for 800 children
The 'X plan': Dad's texting strategy for helping teens under peer pressure
The bullying film on Netflix EVERY parent needs to watch with their child – now
The latest deadly craze to warn your teen before they go on holidays
The law comes into force TODAY: Scotland BANS smoking in cars with children present
The MOVING moment this teen with Down Syndrome learns she got into college
The note this teen found from his late dad is truly TOUCHING
The one piece of advice I wish I could give my teenage self
The organic natural skin products that your teen will adore
The reason one girl wants the WORLD to send her cousin a birthday card this July
The reason this teacher let his teenage student sleep in class is heart-warming
The texts this mum sent when she thought she found drugs in her teen's room
The WONDERFUL way these teens are inspiring their younger schoolmates
These young lads protested against their school by wearing skirts!
This autistic boy NAILED 'Let It Go' at talent show, thanks to his loyal fans
This autistic teen is bringing colour into sick kids' lives
This boy is doing more for the homeless than "anyone else in 35 years"
This dad channelled his inner Liam Neeson and left this HILARIOUS note for his messy teens
This dad created an app to rewards his child for less screen time
This dad was asked to go buy sanitary towels for his daughter and he couldn't handle it
This dad's 'one rule for dating my daughters' is AWESOME
This dad's birthday message to his daughter has everyone in stitches
This dad's response to 'why is your son absent from school?' is HILARIOUS!
This fed-up dad’s advert will definitely sound familiar
This GORGEOUS little pooch just got a new home thanks to Twitter!
This Irish granny's reaction to virtual reality is brilliant
This is how Jamie Oliver keeps an eye on his teenage daughters
This mum has no clue who her daughter's friends are and it's HILARIOUS
This mum works three jobs to fund her teenage daughter’s luxury lifestyle
This mum wrote a note to some 'mean and petty' teens she overheard in a café
This Spanish teacher's enthusiasm has his students inspired
This survey has discovered how many UK parents give in to ‘Pester Power’
This teenage girl's reply to 'shower selfie' text made her Twitter's new hero
This town has banned teenagers from Trick-or-Treating
Touching letter from a mother to her son will bring a tear to your eye
Tragic teen's lethal brain tumour was dismissed as 'exam stress'
Troubling new figures emerge regarding young people's mental health
Twenty students are seriously injured after knife attack at a high school
Two boys face felony charges for pulling bark off a tree
Unique Christmas gifts for pre-teens featuring skincare they’ll adore
Up to 100,000 hacked Snapchat photos may be from children’s accounts
US teen suspended for saying “bless you” when classmate sneezed
Veteran turns up to his waiter’s school graduation for a special reason
Vid of teen brothers seeing COLOUR for the first time will make you cry
Wanna feel old? Teenager has never seen this type of retro phone before
Warning issued after boy, 12, tragically dies after taking part in online ‘game’
Warning issued after teen girl is approached by strange man TWICE
Warning issued over concerns ‘Tinder for Teenagers’ app is putting kids at risk
Warning issued over latest viral craze after boy, 11, is badly burned
Warning issued over new ‘bellybutton challenge’ fad
Watch a 13-year-old give the PERFECT answer to 'what is autism?'
WATCH: Dad encourages daughter to dance on street - results are SURPRISING
Welsh teens injured after bus crashes off motorway in France
What this bus driver did to save a boy's life is truly HEARTWARMING
What this mum did for daughter's graduation will make you cry
When crowds of people IGNORED this struggling gran, this kind teenager rushed to help
Which hand is your 'phone hand'? It's more important than you think
Would you let your 14-year-old enter a beauty pageant?
Wow! Grandmother invites strangers to Thanksgiving after texting WRONG number
Wow! Internet stars Sophia Grace and Rosie are so grown-up now
Wow! Teenager wins lottery - and gives the money to his parents
Yikes: Kids are eating the same amount of sugar as 20 chocolate chip biscuits DAILY
You might just need to warn your kids off of the Banana Peel Challenge
You won’t believe what this mum fed her daughter to make her skinny
You'll NEVER guess what these teenagers got up to in a Paris airport recently
You'll never guess what this girl does when her family have an emergency
You're not alone: 10 tweets ALL mums of teenagers can relate to
Young man honours sister's brain surgery in the cutest way
Young people drove wearing a ‘drunk-driving simulator suit’ – and the results will terrify you
Young people show signs of 'post-traumatic stress' when separated from their phones
You’ll be TOUCHED by this non-speaking boy’s incredible letter about autism
£200K raised to help orphan children who lost both parents in one week
‘A national threat’: Over 500 children found to be victims of online sexual abuse
‘I had love’: Snatched-at-birth teen DEFENDS her abductor in first interview
‘I was thinking fast’: Will Smith gets his own back after Jaden tries to ‘trick’ him
‘If you try to run they shoot you’: Aimamo, 16, is one of THOUSANDS fleeing his home
‘Irreplaceable gap’: Parents speak out following death of their daughter at T in the Park
‘Please, bring awareness’: Grieving mum’s warning after daughter, 14, dies in bath accident
‘She will rise’: Family calls for teen daughter’s death certificate to be revoked
’Pleading for her life’: Distraught mum shares teen’s horrific experience with alcohol poisoning
“He said let’s flip a coin:” POIGNANT post about consent is a must-read for teen girls