Graduation is not just about celebrating the milestone your son or daughter has achieved; it’s also about celebrating how far you have come as a family.


And to prove it, one young teen took to her Twitter to show the world how sticking together as a family has the greatest rewards.



Madeleine Tarin posted a snap with her parents on her graduation day, but it wasn’t just your regular family graduation photo, this was a re-creation of her mum’s graduation photo.



Madeleine re-created the photo in tribute to her parents’ strength and determination, labelling the snaps: “We made it together.”


The teen’s mum was just 15-years-old when she fell pregnant, therefore Madeleine, who was just a toddler, was present during her mum’s grad, sitting on top of her dad's shoulders.



Madeleine shared: “Just because they were young parents, it never stopped them from giving me and themselves a great life!”



The graduate always knew she wanted to share the photo as she credits her parents for being the best they could be:


“This whole year I've been waiting to post this picture because I wanted to show the world how great my parents really are.”



“I saw it as a symbol of accomplishment for my parents and I believe it was a real eye opener for them to see how much we’ve overcome as a family,” added the teen.


We are BAWLING right now, what a fantastic tribute to her parents, they must be so proud!


Have you ever re-created any of your family snaps?

