You know, in life, the little things really are the big things. Because it’s the small gestures of kindness we do every day that add up to make our society a compassionate, caring one – not necessarily the big, sweeping ones that happen infrequently.


Like this story of a teenager who made an elderly woman feel cared for and respected on a recent shopping trip.


Leah Kerr posted the story on her Facebook page, thanking teenager Alujwyon Williams, 19, for his kindness to her grandmother.



“Grandma went with me shopping tonight in Ft Wayne [Indiana, in the US],” she wrote. “Just me, her and the two little ones.


“I was carrying all of the bags and trying to hold both girls hands as we went down the escalator. I didn't realise until I stepped on that grandma was too scared to get on – I felt horrible as I watched her try again and again to get her footing right.


“People walked around her, pushed by her or asked her to step to the side – until this amazing man saw her. Not only was he not ashamed to help her, but held her hand the entire way down and helped her off. Thank you so so much to him.”



While we think Alujwyon is a fantastic young man, we don’t think his actions should be considered unusual, or ‘above and beyond’. We’re quite sad to think so many other people saw a struggling elderly lady and refused to rush to her aid. As Alujwyon showed, it’s no less than our responsibility to help older people.


“I didn't think me being myself would get so much recognition, the teen says humbly. “Thank you all for that and it really was my pleasure. I'm happy to be part of a touching story.”

Well done Alujwyon, for showing us that there is good in the world – (oh, and the next time someone mentions teens in a negative light, tell them about this story!)


SHARE if you think Alujwyon is a fantastic ambassador for teenagers! 

