Robbie Williams revealed back in April that he and his wife Ayda Field were expecting their second baby - and today we found out that Robbie's two-year-old Theodora Rose is going to have a baby brother.
The singer and his wife asked the doctor to write their baby's sex on a piece of paper, so they could open it later, and according to a friend of the couple "they went out for dinner and opened it after dessert.”
Robbie is sure to be delighted with the news, as he admitted back in April: "If we have a girl, it’ll be totally cool but I would quite like a little boy.
“Last time I said that as long as it was healthy, I didn’t mind. Then we found out we were having a girl and it was a really strange emotion. I was like, ‘What am I going to do with a girl?” 
Congratulations to the happy couple.

