Here’s the news we’ve all been hoping for (and just in time for Easter too!) – eating chocolate makes you smarter!


And no, that’s not some flimsy justification we made up so we wouldn’t feel guilty eating a whole Lindt bunny to ourselves – it’s according to science folks.


Yep, a 40-year study of 1,000 people – which kicked off back in the 1970s – has concluded that those who ate more chocolate weekly than those that didn’t were more like to have superior brain function.



According to psychologist Merrill Elias, one of the leaders of the study, chocolate boosts “a number of cognitive domains”.


“Our study definitely indicates that the direction is not that cognitive ability affects chocolate consumption,” he said, making millions of people all over the world very happy, “but that chocolate consumption affects cognitive ability.”


Thank you Merrill, we are forever in your debt.


Snickers anyone?


SHARE if you’re very, very pleased (and smugly justified) by this research!


