Nightmares are scary and can often feel very real to those who experience one, particularly children. They generally occur in the second half of the night and, unlike night terrors, your child is likely to remember what they dreamed about.


Fortunately, while you can’t stop your kids from having one, you can reduce the likeliness and help them cope better when they do wake up in the middle of the night.



Make sure they have a relaxed bedtime

While you won’t be able to stop them happening completely, making sure they have a relaxed bedtime with a positive story can help reduce the number they suffer from. 


Make sure they are getting enough sleep

Stress can bring on nightmares and getting enough sleep can help to minimize the amount of stress your little one is under, so send them to bed at a reasonable time.


Make the dark less scary

Waking up to the pitch black after a nightmare can often make the issue seem worse, so try to ensure your little one feels more secure and safe when the light is off. Try playing in the dark with a torch to help them feel more secure.


Invest in a night light

A night light can really help your youngster to feel more relaxed at bedtime by making the room feel less scary.


Talk about the bad dreams during the day

Talk to your little one about their bad dreams the next day, when it is bright out. The light can help to put their dream into perspective making them feel more at ease and better able to cope.


Give them plenty of cuddles

When they do wake up after a bad dream make sure you offer them lots of hugs and cuddles to make them feel more secure. Try to stay with them until they begin to feel more relaxed or have fallen back to sleep.


Think of ways to get over their fears

Suffering from frequent nightmares can make going to bed an extremely stressful time for your child, so try to think of ways to help them get over their fears. A dream catcher over their bed or even reading stories about coping with them can help your youngster feel better prepared. 


