As working mums, we often lament over the struggle to nail that ‘balance’ – but rest assured; you’re doing a far better job than you may think!

According to new research, working mums are outperforming their childless colleagues by a mile in terms of productivity and quality of work.

The refreshing revelation was made in a paper published by the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, with a team examining productivity rates of women with careers spanning 30 years.


As part of the research, the team analysed data relating to almost 10,000 economists, including the quality and amount of the journals they produced.

They also recorded and compared data relating to how many children the employees had, as well as when they had them.

The findings revealed that female employees with children outperformed their childless colleagues at almost every stage, essentially proving that motherhood boosts your productivity.


Mothers with at least two children have been deemed the ‘super-achievers’, after they were found to be the most productive in the study.

Now, that’s not to say productivity doesn’t drop at all once you have children – it was found to plummet 15 - 17 percent with young kids; but it doesn’t have a long-lasting negative impact.

Study author Christian Zimmerman explained: “While you have small children, it has an impact on you. But after that, it seems that the impact is the other way.”

Give yourselves a pat on the back, mums.

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