Any parent who has children attending school, at any level, will be all too familiar with just how tired a student is at the end of a long day.


But while there is a tendency to just accept that school is a tiring and, at times, boring place, one teacher has spoken out in support of her students.


Experienced teacher Alexis Wiggins took on board what her pupils were saying, and decided to switch places with them, assuming the role of a student for two days straight – and was rather unpleasantly surprised.


The UK-based teacher wrote about her experience in a blog post, in which she said that she wished she could go back and change her classes to make it easier and more interesting for her former students.


“You start to feel sorry for the students who are told over and over again to pay attention, because you understand part of what they are reacting to is sitting and listening all day,” she wrote.



She asked her adult readers to think back to long days spent at conferences, where they have been sitting and listening to speakers all day, much like our students.


“Remember that feeling by the end of the day – that need to just disconnect, break free, go for a run….That is how students often feel in our classes, not because we are boring per se, but because they have been sitting and listening most of the day already,” she added.


Do you think other teachers should follow in Alexis’ footsteps and see how they can change up the classroom experience for their students?


