While it’s true that Pokémon Go hasn't been around very long, it’s already become a cultural phenomenon. More addictive that Cadbury’s Eclairs, the game has well and truly jumped into craze territory.


And like all crazes, getting kids to cease and desist until it has run its natural course is often next to impossible.


So one clever teacher from Singapore has decided to play the kids at their own game – literally.


With a very professional-looking poster – no black marker scrawl on A4 paper here – the teacher has laid out the forfeits for kids she catches playing the game. 


Obviously a fan of Pokémon Go, she is basically using her extensive knowledge of the game to sabotage her pupils!


And while we have to admit we’re not players ourselves, we have enough of a gist to know the ‘punishments’ meted out are devastating.



1st offence


I will take your phone from you and WASTE all your Pokeballs.


Probably on a Pidgey or a Rattata. But I will miss. Over and over and over…


2nd offence


I will use your incense and a lucky egg.


Pokémon might be surrounding you, but you’re out of ways to catch them.


3rd offence


I will transfer your highest level and rarest Pokémon! Maybe even 2… or 3 of them.


1 candy in exchange for a 1453 CP Dragonite… Seems fair.


Ending message


If I can’t catch them, you can’t catch them!


Genius! What do you think of this teacher's system? Is she being fair?


SHARE if you think this teacher has the right idea!


