Gender identity is becoming a more talked about topic amongst adults in recent years, but what about for kids?


Understanding your gender identity can be difficult for anyone but even more so for kids. 


Having little to no representation online, TV or in movies, gender identity amongst kids is a story not being told.


These ten books allow that story be told in order to help children understand as well as educating parents, teachers and schools.


1. I Am Jazz - Jessica Herthel and Jazz Jennings



This is an autobiographical book about Jazz Jennings and what it was like growing up with "a girl brain but a boy body."


2. Raising my Rainbow - Lori Duron



From the parents' perspective, this book explores the life of a parent and her gender-nonconforming son.


3. Far From The Tree - Andrew Solomon



Another look from the parents' perspective of raising transgender children.


4. Transgender 101 - Nicholas M. Teich



Written by a social worker, educator, and member of the transcommunity, this is much more fact based, helping the reader to understand transgender people.


5. 10,000 Dresses - Marcus Ewert



This is a fictional story about a boy who loves to wear dresses in a world that won't let him.


6. Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress - Christine Baldacchino



The story of a boy who loves to wear a tangerine dress in a class of people who don't understand him. In the book. the boy has a dream where he takes his class on an adventure.


7. Sex is a Funny Word - Cory Silverberg and Fiona Smyth



This is a fact based book that would be a great tool for parents and teachers talking to gender-confused children.


8. The Transgender Child - Stephanie Brill and Rachel Pepper



This one is purely for the parents. Helping you understand what they're going through as well as giving you the tools to help them.


9. The Royal Heart - Gregory McGoon



A fictional story about Prince Lyric who is destined for the thrown, until Lyric's 16th birthday when Lyric transforms into a princess - what she's always wanted to be.


10. Gender Born, Gender Made - Diane Ehrensaft



The stories of young gender fluid children and advice for their parents.


SHARE if you think think we need more transgender stories.


