While many of us might admire or even secretly long for Michelle Obama's toned arms, most of us feel that attaining such sculpted perfection is completely beyond our reach.

As a result, we halfheartedly lift a couple of weights during our work-out session, claim they don't work when we don't witness miracles within a week and then continue to bemoan our supposed bingo wings.

If this sounds familiar then you definitely need to get to grips with a few simple exercises which, if done on a regular basis, will have you ditching your long-sleeved tops and reaching for your spaghetti-strap dress in no time.

And remember, you don't need a gym membership or fancy equipment to rock a pair of toned arms Michelle herself would be proud of.

1. Upper body strength

Assume the plank position and place your right hand on a ball to create an uneven surface. Slowly move the ball from one hand to the other. Repeat at least five times on each side.

Tip: Clench your stomach muscles to activate your core.

2. Rear upper arms

Facing away from a chair, place your hands on the seat and slowly lower yourself down, but don't let your bum touch the floor. When your elbows are at a 90 degree angle, slowly push yourself back up. Begin with twenty repetitions of this move and aim to add one extra dip each time you do the work-out.

Tip: Be sure to keep your back straight and do not rush this move.

3. Front upper arms

Holding two bottles of water, loosen your arms by your sides before slowly raising the bottles until they reach shoulder height in a traditional bicep curl. Each set should include 12 repetitions of this move and you should aim to do three sets.

Tip: Remember to focus on your breathing and don't rush the exercise. Controlled movement is key.

4. Shoulders

Using the same bottles, lift your hands upwards and outwards from hips as if you want to form a 'T' shape until the bottles reach shoulder height then slowly lower the bottles. Each set should include 12 repetitions of this move and you should aim to do three sets.

Tip: Keep your back straight and your core engaged for maximum effect.

5. Chest and shoulders

Lie on the floor, hold a bottle of water in each hand and form a 'T' shape. Slowly raise your arms off the floor until your bottles meet over your head and then lower them back to the floor. Attempt 8 repetitions and aim for three sets.

Tip: To simultaneously engage your core, why not attempt to keep your lower legs off the floor at the same time?


