Louise Mallet, a mum-of-three from the U.K has allowed us to borrow her GENIUS parenting hack. 


Sending her youngest son, Max, to school, Mum was worried about how he would settle in. 


Max had attended a couple of half-days, but his first full day of school was fast approaching, and he was feeling a little emotional. 



Louise revealed: "I could tell he was feeling a little emotional this morning so we had a chat and came up with the idea of having a heart each."


Having claimed he missed his mum on his first half-day the previous week, Louise decided to draw a heart in the centre of his palm, and an extra heart on his arm in case the first wore off.


The mum-of-three then proceeded to draw a matching heart on her palm. 



"If we pressed it, it sent a hug to the other one and it totally worked!" explained the mum.


"We 'charged' them by holding hands on the way to school and when I picked him up I said 'did you get my hugs' and he happily said 'yep'!"


Max confirmed the extent of how much the heart meant to him during his day, when he informed Louise he pressed the heart for a long time, but he didn't cry. 


"So I said 'ahhhh that will be that big squeeze I got'."



Max even claimed that he felt the big squeeze he got in return from his mum, making him feel content while sitting through his first whole day in school.


However, while Max is happy in the knowledge of knowing his mum is there for the hugs, she now has another predicament to comprehend:


"Here's to many more happy days at school while I sit at home with the dog and cry that all my babies are at school now."


We know the feeling Louise - but we have to admit, this mum just made the process a little easier for us, we're definitely using this trick. 


