There is nothing more frustrating in family life than FINALLY getting out for a meal, only for your children to decide they're less than interested. 


You persevere, trying your best to show them what's on the menu, and how much they'll love whatever they get; but it doesn't work. 


The kids just 'don't care' or 'don't know' or the best one, they're 'not hungry', which is always hilarious because knowing our children, we know they're ALWAYS hungry. 


But instead of having our kids stage a protest of 'I don't cares' when the waiter pops around, one American restaurant has made life easier for mums and dads. 


The 'Kid Friendlies' section of the menu is translated into child talk and we're feeling so blessed for their initiative right now!


When your youngster answers 'I don't care', well, this menu can you tell you that your kid does care, and what they actually want is a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich. 


This menu designer understands kids. from KitchenConfidential


The same way it can tell that when your child states they're 'not hungry' what they really mean is they would like a basket of chicken tenders - we're beaming with happiness. 


Whoever designed this menu most definitely knows our children better than we do! Lol


But one guy is not happy that they forgot a section for dads in there...



How cool is this? Would you like to see this in more restaurants near you?

