Love this kid!


One smart four-year old boy has the whole kissing girls, kids and marriage thing all worked out.


In this absolutely adorable video posted on Facebook page Daily Picks and Flicks, the little cutie is asked about getting married, and he’s very sure of his stance on the matter.


“I’m not gonna be married at all,” he says, shaking his head with a look that says, “Duh!”



“Why?” comes the response.


“I don’t wanna be married! Are you kidding? I would be scared! Well, I don’t wanna kiss anyone. If they kiss me, well sometimes they do it with spit!”


Cue a look of horror.


And the rest of the conversation is just as funny and charming. Can we keep this little dote?



Brilliant! Our favourite bit is the look on his little brother’s face at the mention of spit. Something tells us his big bro has traumatised him for life – well if not for life, then at least until those teenage hormones kick in!


SHARE if you think this is one smart kiddo!

