We all make errors of judgement from time to time. 


But this kid is intent on making up for her most recent mistake.


At Sequia and Kings Canyon National Park recently, the child gave in to temptation, stealing a solitary pine cone.


While it’s not exactly up there with the greatest crimes ever committed, he or she was overcome with guilt.


So to ease their conscience, they decided to return the pine cone to its natural home, alongside a deeply apologetic – and utterly adorable – note.


Beginning with the very formal ‘to whom it may concern,’ she went on to admit to her crime.


“I took a pine cone out of the forestand,” she wrote. “I wanted to return it.”


But the child didn’t stop there. Rather, they went on to specify that they wanted it returned to its rightful spot in the park.


“I hope it will be placed near the General Grant tree because that is where I took it. I am sorry for my decision. Thank you.”


What a sweetheart. You can see the note below.



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