We've all seen those people who over share on social media and wonder why.


Well, this dad shared his son's sad news and it ended up paying off.


Dan and his son on their way down to London to see the FA Cup semi-final between Manchester United and Everton.


But sadly the bus they had booked, never turned up.


Left stranded, Dan posted his child's upset to Twitter.



Dan received a lot of sympathy from this tweet with people sending their well-wishes to his son.



But then, their day took a turn for the better... much better.



So with their transport organised, Dan and his son were still without tickets for the game as it was part of a coach and game package.


So it appeared that the two would just be treated to a great day out in London.



But you know us by now, and we don't do happy stories by halves.


The folks of Twitter rallied and the offers of tickets came strong and fast.



Then we lost touch with Dan for a while. 


But thankfully a friend stepped in to keep us in the loop.



So it looked like the pair's day was made. 


But oh no, that wasn't all. 


Just to top the whole thing off, Everton club also invited them to be guests at their FanZone stage.



What a day for this dad and son with the people of social media generously coming to their rescue.


And they say a picture say's a thousand words, well this one say's a whole lot.



SHARE this story of generosity.


