Feeling the financial pressure this festive season? Most mums don’t want to disappoint their little ones on Christmas morning but it is important that they are realistic with what they can afford.
Barnardos have some helpful ways that will help you manage your child’s expectations this year.
  • For older children, it is important that you agree a reasonable budget with them. Talk about what they want and ask if they really need it. Some kids don’t worry about a gift being new so a second-hand toy or bike may be an option.
  • If your kids have part time jobs, why not do a family Kris Kindle instead of buying presents for everyone. Most people will be pleased that they only have to buy one gift.
  • Get involved when your little one is writing their Santa list. Suggest things you know that they will love but which are less expensive than what they may have originally wanted. Getting them to ask for a surprise will ease the financial burden on you.
Living in very commercialised times, children can sometimes expect gifts that may be out of the family's price range, so always have a set budget, involve kids in present planning and let them know that they can’t have everything they want.

