Living with a toddler is a truly unique experience. Yes, they amaze us with every incredible milestone they hit; but there’s also a lot of screaming, tantrums, and colouring on the walls to wade through, too!


One mum who can attest to the more, ahem, trying side of raising a toddler is US mum Mindy Bingham – who hasn’t been able to finish a sentence since her two-year-old daughter, Hazyl, hit the toddler stage.


In a hilarious video compilation posted to Facebook, Mindy has given a laugh-out-loud insight into what life is like with little Hazyl. Basically, it involves being interrupted a lot.


Whether Mindy is blogging about her typical day at home, doing the school run or helping the kids with a craft project; as soon as she begins to speak, she is interrupted by her toddler, who keeps screaming, “Yeah!”



The video is nothing short of hilarious, and it’s clear that doting mum Mindy has the patience of a saint!


Ever since the video was posted online, and shared across Love What Matters, it has been racking up views. Indeed, it seems that SO many parents around the world can relate to Mindy’s experience with a plucky toddler!


Explaining Hazyl’s new-found – and very vocal – confidence, Mindy told Babble: “She started saying ‘yeah’ a couple of months ago, out of nowhere!


“Originally it was kind of funny and cute, then it turned annoying, then somehow it became hilariously endearing and, really, her signature trademark.”



Hazyl is just the latest toddler to light up our social media timelines in recent time. Just last weekend, our readers were delighted by the story of little Archie and his cuddle buddy, a rescue-pup called Nora.


The family document little Archie’s naptime adventures with his furry friends, also including two more dogs and two fluffy cats.


In a world of so much tragedy, where our newsfeeds are filled with such upsetting stories on a daily basis; the simple things in life, like a hilarious toddler or the beautiful bond between a child and his pets, can really put a smile on our faces.


Can you relate to the Bingham family’s situation? Do you have a toddler who has recently found their voice and LOVES IT?! Share your funny stories with us, in the comment section.

