As the summer holidays loom, many mums will be trying to figure out how to get the kids away from their screens and outside.


And while it will be no mean feat, there are a few tips and tricks that you can use to get them to shut it down.


1. Be a role model

Turn off your laptop and the TV and say goodbye to your social media accounts on your phone, for awhile at least – you need to be the role model that your child can look up to and follow.


2. Organise outside activities

It won’t take much to get your kids to go outside if there is something for them to do. Organise trips out, invite friends to go to the park and fill your garden with fun and exciting toys that they’ll want to play with.


3. Schedule in screen time

An outright ban will just be met with tantrums and tears so don’t ban them completely. Instead schedule in time, maybe once or twice a week, when they can use the computer or laptop.


4. Make it a less desirable activity

Don’t allow the kids have a TV or use a smart phone in their bedroom and put the computer in a family room. Nobody wants to be playing a game or scrolling online when their mother is there beside them!



5. Be consistent

You need to be consistent in your rules and regulations and don’t be easily swayed by your child’s whines of “it’s not fair”. Stay true to your word and eventually your child’s screen time habit with just fade away – hopefully.


6. Reward chart

Everyday your child doesn’t go on their phone or computer, give them a gold star or tick with the aim of trying to get as many as possible. Kids love receiving rewards for jobs well done and this is a great way to keep them motivated.


7. Praise their efforts

Rather than chastise your child when they slip up a gentle remind will work a lot better. Remember to praise your child for making the effort to turn off the computer and head outside.


