Simple and elegant in design, with few words and a stylish yet accessible graphic art style, picture book maker Silvia Borando has created two bold and playful books.
Sure to appeal to adults and young kids alike, these two stories are not only beautiful they’ll also stimulate your little one’s creative side.
The White Book
No words are needed when a boy, some paint pots, an active imagination and a white wall come together. Watch new animals emerge from the strokes as the little boy tries to make new friends before he runs out of paint. This wordless picture book is a highly imaginative and original story brimming with visual humour and a parade of cheeky animals.
Black Cat, White Cat
Day and night, black and white, this exploration of opposites is the story of two cats as different as they can be. Black Cat, black from the tip of his ears to the tip of his tail, only ever goes out at night. White Cat, white from her little nose to her furry paws, only ever goes out at night. But when both cats feel the urge to explore a world beyond their own, they find their paths crossing. Together Black Cat and White Cat create a new cat colour!
Published by Walker Books, they are both available here and here.