MumtoAbby's Blog

Doctors are warning parents of the dangers of hair straighteners as burn incidents in children double. Dr. Julia Sarginson, who led the research at the burns centre in Bristol Frenchay Hospital, says: “Hair-straightening devices can cause significant, 'full-thickness' injuries. Our study shows that infants and toddlers are at most risk, and these are preventable burns that warrant our...
Last updated: 11/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
According to a study, 60% of young people in Ireland are listening to music at dangerously loud levels. The national survey, conducted by, found that six out of ten students are listening to music at levels that could be damaging their hearing. Volumes should not exceed 85dB but the findings showed that kids are listening to music at levels over 100dB. According to experts, more than...
Last updated: 10/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
How far would you go for the perfect picture of your little prince or princess? A new Nebraska-based Etsy shop allows parents retouch their kid's face, with some of the features allowing you to put make-up on them. The new Number8DesignStudio allows you to pick between varying levels of editing such as glitz, semi glitz or natural glitz. Features include “enhancing eyes, adding make-up...
Last updated: 09/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
According to a new study, women who eat at least three pieces of fruit in the month before conceiving are less likely to suffer from complications in pregnancy. The study, which was conducted by scientists from King’s College London, found that certain lifestyle factors can help women to have a normal pregnancy. Beneficial factors such as increasing fruit intake, maintaining a healthy weight...
Last updated: 09/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
With addictive shows like Breaking Bad, Homeland and Games of Thrones taking up part of everyone's day, it's not surprising that names like Dana, Skyler, Brody and Arya have increased in popularity. While many presumed George would be a favourite name among expectant parents in the UK, it has actually been pushed out of the top ten due to mums worrying they'll be considered a 'Kate...
Last updated: 06/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
The staff at John Lewis Cambridge received the sweetest letter from five-year-old Faith this week. The little girl wrote: "To John Lewis, Cambridge. I'm sorry I broke a Christmas bauble on Saturday. It cost two pounds. Here is the money for it. Sorry again. Faith, aged 5." She taped two pound coins to the piece of paper and even drew a little picture of herself. However, the self-portrait...
Last updated: 05/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
Patients with ovarian cancer are more likely to die in the UK and Ireland than anywhere else in Europe. According to research conducted by The Lancet Oncology, just 31% of women with the disease survived for five years compared to the 33.4% in poorer countries like Bulgaria and Lithuania. The Eurocare-5 study also compared survival rates for stomach, colon, lung, melanoma skin, breast, ovarian...
Last updated: 05/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
Up to 600 children under the age of 16 take up smoking every day in the UK. The study, conducted by the Health and Social Care Information Centre, looked at data drawn from surveys of secondary school pupils in England of children aged 11 to 15. According to the research, which was published in medical journal Thorax, an estimated 463 kids start smoking every day in England, 50 in Scotland, 30 in...
Last updated: 05/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
According to a new survey, four out of five middle income families are unable to save for their children's future. Many are hoping for “something to turn up” as 78% cannot or will not start a nest egg. According to Demos, parents are underestimating the costs that their kids will face in the future, such as high property prices and university fees. The study polled 2,000 people and found...
Last updated: 04/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
Many mums may already be aware of this, but a new study suggests that children are a greater distraction to drivers than using a mobile phone. The research, conducted by the Monash University Accident Research Centre in Melbourne, analysed car journeys taken by 12 families with kids aged between 1 and 8 years old over a three week period. Each trip was filmed by a camera and in 90 of the 92 car...
Last updated: 04/12/2013 by MumtoAbby
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